dimecres, 14 de març del 2012

Snow white and her animals

If you want to learn the animals in english, you would enter in this enjoyable page, because in this web you will find a lot of interesting exercices about the different kinds of animals. We recommend you this web because  it has been created to learn the elementary vocabulary of the animals.

One game of this web

In this game you have to associate the animal with the species to which it belongs.

This page is a very fun game for kids who study animals. It is a trivial that teachs many interesting facts about animals and their environment. This image is a picture of the activity.

Read & learn with the Tree Little Pigs

Hi, kids! In this link you can learn to read with the help of some very funny characters. Not only will you learn to read but also a lot of vocabulary:

Then we show you two interactive stories: Teddy's Adventure and The twins week, with which you can find the Teddy's Adventure and two twins adventure.

Also, if you like reading you can check the following website to read a lot of stories and fables for children.

Good luck

dissabte, 3 de març del 2012

Sing with Little red riding hood

Stormy Windy Rainy Sunny

Whats the weather?
_____(1) today, like today?
Look outside the window.______(2) outside the window.
Can you say? Can you say?
 It’s a sunny. It’s a sunny.  Sunny day,________(3) day.
go out in the sunshine, go out in the sunshine
It’s a cloudy, It’s a cloudy.________(5) day, cloudy day.
If it’s ______ (6) if, It’s a cold
It’s a windy, It’s a ________(7). Windy day, windy day
It’s a rainy, It’s a rainy. _______(8) day, rainy day
It’s a _______(9), It’s a snowy. Snowy day, snowy day
Whats the weather, whats the weather.
Like today, like today?
Look __________(10) the window
Can you say, can you say

1.Like  2.Look  3.Sunny  4.Play  5.Cloudy  6.Cold  7.Windy  8.Rainy  9.Snowy   10.Outside

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

Head and _________(1), knees and toes,
knees and toes, knees and toes,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

________(2), ears, _________(3) and nose.

Head and shoulders, ________(4) and toes,
knees and toes, knees and _________(5),

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes, knees and toes.

1..shoulders 2.eyes 3.mouth 4.knees 5.toes

dijous, 23 de febrer del 2012

Home Cinema

Hey guys and girls! As we know that you really like Disney movies, we offer you the opportunity to see the most popular Disney films in original version. Besides enjoying, may you learn new vocabulary and new expressions!

Snow white and the seven dwarfs


The Jungle Book

Beauty And The Beast

dimecres, 22 de febrer del 2012

Modern stories

An Indian Story

Rany is a big grey elephant. Deepu is getting married and Rany will carry Deepu to his wedding.

Everyone is talking about the wedding.
Everyone will be wearing new clothes to look their best.
Rany is sad, she is plain and grey.
How can she look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding?

"What's the matter?" said Beena the Butterfly.
"I wish I could be bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"l think I can help you." she said, and fluttered away.

Beena the Butterfly flew to her friend Tony the Tiger.
"Can you give some of your stripes to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, I will give Rany some of my stripes."
So Tony the Tiger sent some of his stripes to Rany the Elephant.

Then Beena the Butterfly flew to Lucky the Leopard.
"Can you give some of your spots to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, I will give Rany some of my spots."
So Lucky the Leopard sent some of his spots to Rany the Elephant.

Then Beena the Butterfly flew to Sita the Snake.
"Can you give some of your zig-zags to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, l will give Rany some of my zig-zags."
So Sita the Snake sent some of his zig-zags to Rany the Elephant.

Then Beena the Butterfly flew to Pritam the Parrot.
"Can you give some of your colours to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, I will give Rany some of my colours."
Then Pritam the Parrot sent some of her colours to Rany the Elephant.

Now Rany is bright and beautiful!
Deepu is ready for his wedding, but where is Rany, his plain grey elephant?
Deepu does not recognise Rany. Rany is worried.
Suddenly Rany makes a secret noise that only Deepu will know.
Deepu is filled with joy. It is Rany!

Rany carries Deepu to his wedding where he meets his bride.
Rany, the big and beautiful elephant, is now very famous.
She is invited to weddings in towns and villages.
Everyone has heard how her friends shared what they had to make her happy

Page stories and activities for children!!

Henny the hen

                                                     zonaClic - actividades - Henny the hen