dimecres, 22 de febrer del 2012

Modern stories

An Indian Story

Rany is a big grey elephant. Deepu is getting married and Rany will carry Deepu to his wedding.

Everyone is talking about the wedding.
Everyone will be wearing new clothes to look their best.
Rany is sad, she is plain and grey.
How can she look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding?

"What's the matter?" said Beena the Butterfly.
"I wish I could be bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"l think I can help you." she said, and fluttered away.

Beena the Butterfly flew to her friend Tony the Tiger.
"Can you give some of your stripes to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, I will give Rany some of my stripes."
So Tony the Tiger sent some of his stripes to Rany the Elephant.

Then Beena the Butterfly flew to Lucky the Leopard.
"Can you give some of your spots to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, I will give Rany some of my spots."
So Lucky the Leopard sent some of his spots to Rany the Elephant.

Then Beena the Butterfly flew to Sita the Snake.
"Can you give some of your zig-zags to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, l will give Rany some of my zig-zags."
So Sita the Snake sent some of his zig-zags to Rany the Elephant.

Then Beena the Butterfly flew to Pritam the Parrot.
"Can you give some of your colours to Rany the Elephant?
She wants to look bright and beautiful for Deepu's wedding."
"Yes, I will give Rany some of my colours."
Then Pritam the Parrot sent some of her colours to Rany the Elephant.

Now Rany is bright and beautiful!
Deepu is ready for his wedding, but where is Rany, his plain grey elephant?
Deepu does not recognise Rany. Rany is worried.
Suddenly Rany makes a secret noise that only Deepu will know.
Deepu is filled with joy. It is Rany!

Rany carries Deepu to his wedding where he meets his bride.
Rany, the big and beautiful elephant, is now very famous.
She is invited to weddings in towns and villages.
Everyone has heard how her friends shared what they had to make her happy

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